Signed in as:
9/11 victims = Red, White and Blue
Accidents (general designation) = Black
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) = Blue
ADD = Purple
Addiction recovery = Turquoise
Addison's disease = Light Blue
ADHD = Purple
Adhesions = Burgundy (Maroon)
Adoption = White
Adoptive Parents = Yellow
Adult stem cell donor = Lime Green and Aqua
Agent Orange Exposure = Orange
Agoraphobia = Teal
Alcohol abuse = Red
Allergies = Gray
Alopecia = Blue
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency = Peach
Alzheimers = Purple or White
Amish Support = Black
Amniotic fluid embolism = Light pink and Light blue
Amyloidosis = Burgundy (Maroon)
Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) = Navy Blue and White pinstripes
Angelman Syndrome = Blue
Animal abuse = Purple or Purple Paw
Ankylosing Spondylitis = Blue
Anti-bullying = Blue
Anti-child pornography on the internet = White
Anti-corruption = Black and White
Anti-gangs = Black
Anti-Gay Bullying (Spirit Day) = Purple
Anti-racism = Black and White
Anti-stalking = White
Anti-terrorism in Spain = Black
Anti-tobacco = Brown
Aplastic anemia = Red and White
Appendix cancer = Amber
Arnold Chiari Malformation = Purple
Arthritis = Blue
Asian and Pacific islander campaign for liver cancer and Hep B awareness = Jade
Asperger Syndrome = Jigsaw Puzzle
Asthma = Gray
Autism = Jigsaw Puzzle
Baby safe haven = Light pink and Light blue
Batten Disease = Teal
Behcets Disease = Light Blue
Bipolar disorder = Green
Birth Defects = Light Pink and Light Blue
Birth parents = Pink
Black Ribbon Day (remembrance day for victims of totalitarianism = Black
Bladder cancer = Yellow
Blindness = White
Bone Cancer = White
Bone Disease = White
Bone Marrow Diseases (AA&MDSIF designation) = Red and White
Bone marrow donation = Green
Bone marrow donor = Black and Pink
Bone marrow transplants = Green
Boston Marathon 2013 = Blue and Yellow
Boycott Aruba (Hope for Natalee) = Yellow
Bracial plexus injury = Blue
Brain aneurism = Burgundy (Maroon)
Brain Cancer = Gray
Breast cancer = Pink
Breast Feeding (The Gold Standard) = Gold
Cancer Awareness (all cancers) = Lavender
Cancer survivor = Purple
Carbon monoxide poisoning = Yellow
Carbon monoxide poisoning = White
Carcinoid syndrome cancer = Black and White Zebra Stripes
Celiac disease = Light green
Cerebral Palsy = Green
Cervical cancer = Teal and White
Cesarian sections = Burgundy (Maroon)
Chemical injury = Purple and Yellow
Child abuse prevention = Blue
Childhood cancer = Gold
Childhood or pediatric stroke = Purple or Purple and Blue
Children left unattended in cars = Purple
Children undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with rare disorders or diseases = Burgundy (Maroon)
Children with learning disabilities = Silver
Children with physical disabilities = Silver
Choking game = black/gold/red/gold/black stripes
Cholangiocarcinoma = Yellow
Chondrosarcoma = Yellow
Chrohn's disease = Purple
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) = Blue
Chronic Migraine Awareness = Purple ribbon with a red stripe down the middle
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) = Orange and Red
Cleft palate = Pink
CO poisoning = White
Coagulation or blood factor disorders = Burgundy (Maroon)
Colitis = Purple
Colon cancer = Blue
Colorectal cancer = Blue or Brown
Congenital diaphrgmatic hernia (CDH) = Turquoise
Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) = Red and Blue with a heart or Red/Blue/Red stripes
Congenital hyperinsulinism = Silver, White, Baby Blue, Baby Pink (colors go left to right)
Congenital megacolon = Burgundy (Maroon)
Congestive Heart Failure = Red
COPD = Gold
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome = Green
Cortical Visual Impairment = Silver
Cri Du Chat Syndrome = Blue
Crime victims rights = Blue
Cultural diversity and racial tolerance = Orange
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome = Blue
Cystic fibrosis = Purple
Cystic Fibrosis = Purple with a red rose
DARE = Red
Deep Vein Thrombosis = Orange
Degenerative disc disease = Cream
Depression (adults and children) = Green
Designated drivers (The Hero Campaign) = Blue and Yellow
Desmoplastic cancer = Purple and Red
Diabetes = White or Gray or White with a red dot in the center
Disaster relief = Red
Dissociative identity disorder = Teal
Domestic Violence = Blue or Purple or purple with purple butterfly
Down Syndrome = Blue and Yellow
Driver Safety = Green
Drowing = Blue
Drug abuse = Red
Dual diagnosis = Orange and Green
Dysautonomia = Blue
Dysautonomia/POTS = Turquoise
Dystonia = Blue
Ear disorders or diseases = Gold and Silver
Eating Disorders = Periwinkle
Education = Blue
Edward's Syndrome = Light Blue
Eldery abuse = Silver
Embryonal Rhabdomysarcoma = Gold
Emphysema = Pearl
End sex trafficking and slavery in the UK = Gray
Endometrial cancer = Peach
Endometriosis = Yellow
Environment = Green
Epidermolysis Bullosa = Red
Epilepsi (Purple Day) = Purple
Epilepsy = Lavender
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) = Blue
Erb's Palsy = Blue
Esophogeal cancer = Periwinkle
Essential Thrombocytosis = Orange and Red
Evans Syndrome = Red
Ewing's Sarcoma = Yellow
Eye injuries = Green
Fanconi's Syndrome = Green
Fatty oxidation disorders = Blue and Yellow
Feminism = Fuschia (magenta)
Feral Cats = Orange
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans = Green
Fibromyalgia = Purple
Firefighters who have lost their lives = Thin Red Line
Fireworks safety = Red, White and Blue
Flooding = Blue
Flouroquinolone Awareness = Kaleidoscope pattern
Food allergies = Teal
Foster care = Lavender
Foster parents = Lavender
Fragile X = Teal
Free speech = Blue
Gay pride or rights movement = Rainbow
Gay-teen suicide = White
Genocide awareness = Yellow
GERD = Periwinkle
Glaucoma = Green
Glioblastoma = Gray
Global Chiari Malformation Awareness = Turquoise (with a zipper)
Go Green = Green
Gout = Blue
Graves Disease = Light Blue
Group B Strep (newborns) = Light pink, white and Light blue
Growth and rebuilding = Green
Gun control = Black
Gynecological and Breast Cancers = Teal and Pink
Gynecological Cancer = Teal
Head Cancer = Ivory/Burgundy/Ivory (three stripes)
Headaches = Burgundy (Maroon)
Hearing disorders or diseases = Gold and Silver
Heart Disease = Red or Red Dress
Hemangioma = Burgundy (Maroon)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) = Red and Yellow
Heriditary Breast Cancer = Teal and Pink
Highway and Road Worker Memorial = Orange
Hirschsprung's Disease = Burgundy (Maroon)
Histocytosis = Blue
Hodgkins lymphome = Lavender
Holocaust remembrance = White
Homeopathy = Emerald green
Hope = Yellow
Hospice and pallative care = Purple and Green
Hospice care = Burgundy (Maroon)
Hughes Syndrome = Burgundy (Maroon)
Human papilloma virus (HPV) = Light green
Hunger = Orange
Huntington's Disease = Blue
Hurler Syndrome = Purple
Hurricane Support = Blue
Hydrocephalus or hydrocephaly = Yellow
Hyperaldosteroneism = Light Blue
Hyperemesis Graviduram = Light pink and Light blue
Hyperglycemia = White or Gray
Hypertension = Red
Hypoglycemia = White or Gray
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis = Lavender
Hysterectomy = Lavender
Hystiocytosis = Blue
IBS = Periwinkle
Breast Implant Illness = Black and White (5 stripes)
In memory of Columbine = Blue and White
Infantile spasms = Lavender
Inflammatory breast cancer = Hot Pink
Innocence = White
Interstitial cystitis = Blue or Turquoise (IC Network designation)
Intracranial hypertension = Blue and Green
Ivemark Syndrome = Lime Green
Kidney Cancer = Green or Orange
Kidney disease = Green
Klinefelter's Syndrome = Light Blue
Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS) = Gold and Silver
Larygeal cancer = Ivory/Burgundy/Ivory (three stripes)
Leimosarcoma = Purple
Leukemia = Orange or Green
Leukemia and Lymphoma = Red/White/Red (three stripes)
Leukodystrophy = Blue
Lisencephaly = Green
Liver Cancer = Yellow
Liver disease = Yellow
Living or coping with cancer = Blue and Silver
Loss of a daughter = Black and Pink
Loss of a son = Black and Light Blue (can use navy for an older son)
Lung cancer = Pearl or Clear
Lung disease = Pearl or Clear
Lupus = Purple or purple butterfly
Lyme Disease = Lime Green
Lymphedema = Light Blue
Lymphoma = Lime Green
Macular degeneration = Purple
MADD = Red
Malaria = Blue
Male breast cancer = Light pink and Light blue
Marriage equality = White (tied in a knot in the middle)
MDS = Red and White (AA&MDSIF designation)
Medical Kidnapping = Black and white (two stripes) with a red heart in the middle.
Medical marijuana = Green
Medullary Sponge Kidney Awareness = Green/Teal/Purple (three stripes)
Melanoma = Black
Men working to end men's violence against women = White
Meningitis = Burgundy (Maroon)
Menkes disease = Copper
Mens health = Light Blue
Mental Health = Green or Lime Green
Mental Illness = Green
Mesothelioma = Pearl
Microcephaly = Blue (royal blue shade)
Migraines = Burgundy (Maroon)
Missing and unidentified persons = Lavender/White (two stripes)
Missing Children = Green or Yellow (amber alert)
Mitochondrial Disease = Green
Motorcycle safety = Orange
Mourning = Black
MRSA = Teal
Mucolipidoses = Purple
Mucopolysaccharidosis = Purple
Multiple myeloma = Burgundy (Maroon)
Multiple Sclerosis = Orange or Pearl or Prism
Murder victims = Red and Black
Muscular Dystrophy = Lime Green
Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) = Blue
Myasthenia Gravis = Teal
Myelodysplastic Syndrome = Yellow, Lime Green, Orange, Aqua, Hot Pink
Myelofibrosis (primary or idiopathic) = Orange and Red
Myeloproliferative disorders = Orange and Red
Myelosclerosis = Orange and Red
Myositis = Blue
Myxoid liposarcoma = Yellow
Narcolepsy = Black
Native American reparations = Turquoise
Neck Cancer = Ivory/Burgundy/Ivory (three stripes)
Neonatal Alloimmune throbocytopenia (NAIT) = Red with a Gold outline
Neural tube defects = Green
Neurofibromatosis = Green or Blue
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma = Lime Green
Nursing mothers = Pink
Obsessive-compulsive disorder = Teal
Oral Cancer = Ivory/Burgundy/Ivory (three stripes)
Oral squamous cell carcinoma = Ivory/Burgundy/Ivory (three stripes)
Organ Donation = Green
Organ Donors = Green
Organ Transplants = Green
Osteoporosis = Ivory Lace
Osteosarcoma = Yellow or White
Ovarian cancer = Teal
Overdose awareness = Purple
Pagan pride = Purple
Pancreatic cancer = Purple
Panic or stress disorders = Teal
Paralysis = Cream
Paranormal Awareness = Purple and Black
Parental Alienation Syndrome = Blue, White and Pink (3 stripes)
Parkinson's Disease = Gray
Park rangers who have lost their lives = Thin Green Line
Patriotism = Red, White and Blue
Peace = White
Pediatric Bipolar Awareness = Top Orange, Bottom Blue
Pediatric cancer = Gold
Pelvic pain (chronic) = Light green
Pharyngeal cancer = Ivory/Burgundy/Ivory (three stripes)
Phyllodes tumors = Pink and Gold
Pierre Robin Sequence = Robin egg blue
Plasmacytoma = Burgundy (Maroon)
Platelet donor = Gold and Black
Police officers lost in the line of duty = Blue or Thin Blue Line
Polio = Blue
Polio survivor = Burgundy (Maroon)
Polycystic kidney disease = Mint green
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome = Teal
Polycythemia Vera = Orange and Red
Porphyria = Purple
Post partum depression = White
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) = Teal or Yellow and Black with a Red star in the middle.
Post-Polio Syndrome = Burgundy (Maroon)
Poverty = White
POW/MIA = Yellow or Black
Pregnancy and infant loss = Light pink and Light blue
Primary Billiary Cirrhosis = Black
Primary Immunodeficiency Disease (PIDD) = Blue
Progressiva = Green
Pro-Life = Red or Fuschia (magenta)
Prostate cancer = Light Blue
Pseudotumor Cerebri = Blue and Green
Psoriasis = Orchid and Orange
Pulmonary hypertension = Periwinkle
Rare diseases = Black and White Zebra Stripes
Recycling = Green
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) = Orange
Religious tolerance = Purple
Retinal blastoma = White
Rett syndrome = Lavender
Reyes Syndrome = Blue
Rheumatoid arthritis = Purple and Blue
Right to life = White
Ritual abuse = Orange and Green
Same sex marriages = Rainbow
Sandhoff Disease = Lime Green
Sandy Hook Elementary = Green or Green and white
Sarcoidosis = Purple
Sarcoma = Yellow (with or without a sunflower)
Save Darfur = Green
Save the Earth = Green
Scleroderma = Light Blue
Scoliosis = White
Second Hand Smoke = Blue
Self harm or Self injury = Red and Black (ASHIC designation)
Self Injury = Orange
Sensory Processing Discorder = Blue (reflex blue shade)
Sex trafficking and slavery = Blue or White (55 countries)
Sexual abuse = Teal
Sexual assault = Teal
Sexual assault of students = White
Short bowel syndrome = Blue
Shprintzen Syndrome = Light Blue
SIDS = Light pink and Light blue
Sjogren's Syndrome = Purple
Skin cancer = Orange (with a sun in the center of the loop)
Sleep apnea = Black
Sleep disorders = Black
Spina Biffida = Yellow
Spina Biffida = Pale yellow
Spinal cord injuries = Cream
Spinal disease = Cream
Spinal disorders = Cream
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) = Cream
Squamous cell carcinoma = Red and White
Stalking = Silver
Stammering awareness = Sea green
STD awareness = Light green or Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow
Stem cell research = Green
Steven Johnson Syndrome = Blue
Still's Disease = Navy Blue with Silver writing
Stomach Cancer = Periwinkle
Stroke = Red
Stuttering awareness = Sea green
Substance Abuse = Teal or Red
Suicide Prevention = Yellow or Purple and Turquoise
Suicide survivors = Those left behind after a loved one's suicide, yellow ribbon with a heart or hearts.
Support family farms and rural communities = Green
Support for adoptes rights to open sealed adoption records = Lime Green
Support Haiti = Red or Blue or Red and Blue or Red, Blue And Yellow (Golden Globes)
Support of the Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and North Samaria (Israel) = Orange
Support our troops = Yellow
Supraventicular tachycardia = Red
Survivors = White
Syringomelia = Blue
Teen abstinence = Red and Yellow
Teen cancer = Blue and White
Testicular cancer = Orchid (violet)
The homeless = Purple
The Silver Ribbon Campaign For The Brain© = Silver
The victims of 9/11 (includes police and firefighters) = Purple
Throat cancer = Ivory/Burgundy/Ivory (three stripes)
Thrombophilia = Burgundy (Maroon)
Thyroid cancer = Purple or Teal, Blue and Pink (Thyca designation)
Thyroid disease = Light Blue
Tissue donation = Green
Tourette's Syndrome = Green or Teal (TSA designation)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) = Yellow and Black with a Red star in the middle.
Trisomy 18 = Light Blue
Underage Drinking = Orange
Uterine cancer = Peach
Vaccine Danger = Black/White/Black (3 stripes)
Vasculitis = Red
Velo-Cardio Facial Syndrome = Light Blue
Victims of terrorism = White
Victorian Bushfire Disaster 09 = Yellow
Virginia Tech Tragedy = Orange and Maroon
Von Hippel Lindau = Green or Blue
Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia = Pearl
Water quality = Blue
Water safety and accidents = Blue
Wegeners Granulomatosis = Red
Wolff-parkinson-White Syndrom (WPW) = Red
Work zone safety = Orange
Worker safety = Green
Cancer Ribbon